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KEY STAGE 2 and 3

My workshops combine art with literacy, geography and sometimes even a little science. Everything links! We have lots of discussions with many tangents. Outcomes are artistic and written though you can't predict the results, and when you don't - unexpected magic can happen!



The surrealists artists - Dali and Magritte for example, are great ways into art and literacy project work.


This workshop took place in those heady times of being allowed into each others' houses. 


We studied a few compositions by Dali and Magritte to try and build a story of what was happening in each painting before taking our own surreal photos - look at the slide show. How surreal is playing tennis with an apple, or stirring a coffee with a paintbrush?


The kids then took a painting each and redesigned it into their own surreal work or art.


This scheme of work moves onto characterisation to form the basis of a short, focused piece of creative writing.


Duration: 6 sessions


Creating your message and being able to use your voice and two of the most important freedoms that we have. 


Banksy uses their voice through street art; Maya Angelou used her voice through her writing; Dr Martin Luther King conveyed his message through his voice.


This programme covers 'Protest Art' and the 'Art of Protest', using drawing, the study of visual messages, persuasive writing, speech creating and debate.


I hope you don't mind some chalk on the pavement outside your home - protest art needs a wide audience!





Duration: 6-8 sessions

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